Building Codes are changing and our in-house expert is here to help you adapt. We will demystify the permit process in regards to new Code requirements for energy consumption and provide the necessary documentation to be successful throughout the design, permit and building processes.
We will consult with expert advice on BC Building Code, Energy Step Code, air barrier systems, thermal building envelope, and provide on site review and contractor consultations.

BC Energy Step Code Consulting
One step at a time. The BC Building Code has adopted the Energy Step Code, which incrementally incorporates increasing levels of performance criteria for buildings. These performance criteria are proven using energy modelling and blower door testing (provided by Certified Energy Advisors like us!). As the Step Code is implemented, energy modelling and blower door testing will become necessary for all new buildings. We can prepare the energy model, perform the blower door test for your project and support you every step of the way.
General Building Code Energy Consulting
Whether you need a soundboard to bounce ideas off, require someone on site to discuss building systems/details or have some pointed questions that need answering, we’re here to help. With 11 years of experience regulating Building Codes and resources at our fingertips, you can ask us anything and we’ll get you the answer.
BC Building Code 9.36.5. Energy Performance Compliance Path Consulting
If your building project has some unique features that don’t fit within standard prescriptive Building Code requirements, there is an energy performance evaluation that can be done to help you through the building permit phase. Using Code compliant modelling software, we can provide a report stating that your building will perform as required by Code. If the building design does not meet Code requirements, we can generate a list of recommended upgrades in a sequence of suggested priority, outlining the new potential EnerGuide rating if implemented.
BC Building Code 9.36 Effective Thermal Resistance (RSI) Values Consulting
The BC Building Code requires thermal assemblies to be defined in terms of effective thermal resistance (RSI values) and outlines how the values for any given assemblies are to be calculated. These calculations are often required to be included with building permit applications. We can provide these calculations for your building in conformance with the Building Code, in a format the building official will understand.
Thermal Envelope and Air Barrier Building System Consulting
The little details can make a big difference. We can come to your site mid-construction to review all of the thermally insulated assemblies, and to check all the air barrier details. While on site, we can let you know if the insulation and air & vapour barriers are done as per the plans and as per the BC Building Code. We will also educate on best practices and come up with solutions for anything that needs modification.
On Site Review and Contractor Consultations
There are always new things to learn. We can come to your project site at any point during the construction phase to meet you, your contractors, and anybody else who wants to talk energy efficiency. While on site, we can review all the building systems, proposed or completed, for Code conformance and for best practices. We can also make recommendations for upgrades to help your project achieve greater levels of energy efficiency.